IS4IS Summit Vienna 2015
Response and Responsibility of the Sciences of Information
Vienna University of Technology, June 3-7, 2015
The International Society for Information Studies (ISIS) holds every 2 years a conference. The ISIS Summit Vienna 2015 is the first conference of that kind. It is organized under the guidance of the current president of ISIS, Wolfgang Hofkirchner, at the university he is affiliated to. It will be continued in 2017 by then ISIS president Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic in Gothenburg, Sweden.
The aim of the summit is to bring together different communities that research into information (which shall be understood just as a generic term for cognition, communication, co-operation; data, knowledge, wisdom; intelligence; and the whole diversity of related terms), develop or implement applications of their findings (be they technological or social) or use those applications. That is, not only representatives of different disciplines meet but also the latter meet with different stakeholders. The summit shall help discuss the betterment of society. Thus it is an endeavor in transdisciplinarity. Anyway, it is a broad platform for exchange.
The IS4IS Summit Vienna 2015 is called summit also because it is supported by co-initiators (networks and institutions that hold their regular meeting as conference stream together with our summit), by co-organizers (networks, institutions and groups of people that take over the responsibility for organizing tracks) and by partners.
See here.
The ISIS Summit Vienna 2015 is dedicated to the question whether or not we come closer to a point of no return: austerity policies hamper education, which hampers the self-reflection of research, which, in turn, hampers the development of those innovations that humantiy really needs.
See the Call for Participation.